Citywide Feeding Program to Continue Providing Meals to Students Through the Summer with Revised ScheduleNEW ORLEANS – (May 20, 2020) – NOLA Public Schools’ (NOLA-PS) Citywide Feeding Program has officially served more than one million meals to students since the program started on March 16. NOLA-PS and Charter Management Organizations launched the full-scale Citywide Feeding Program in collaboration with...
NEW ORLEANS – (MAY 26, 2020) - In planning for the reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year, NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) has announced it will be launching an open survey for parents, students, teachers, school staff and the community to share their insights and experiences on how COVID-19 has affected...
NEW ORLEANS – (MAY 27, 2020) - The NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) Public Education Survey on how COVID-19 has affected public education is now live. The goal of the survey is to gather feedback on the current experience of participants and discover what is most important to them at this time as...
A Record Number of 106 Graduating Seniors Were Eligible for the Drawing.NEW ORLEANS – (June 5, 2020) – For the 14th year in a row, NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) and Premier Automotive Group awarded a brand-new car, courtesy of Toyota of New Orleans, to a graduating senior with perfect attendance. This...
Grisela Jackson will take Ben Klebans’ place on the Orleans Parish School Board NEW ORLEANS – (June 11, 2020) – At the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) board business meeting on Thursday, June 11, the OPSB elected Grisela Jackson to take the District 5 seat on the board. District 5 covers...
District will develop plans with schools across the city to address systemic racismNEW ORLEANS – (June11, 2020) - Today, at its June Board Business Meeting, the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) passed a resolution approving the engagement of a consultant to strategically evaluate School District policies, practices and procedures and utilize those...
NEW ORLEANS – (June 12, 2020) – Today, NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) released the OneApp placement results for families participating in Round 2 and Early Childhood rounds for the 2020-2021 school year. Families can log-in and review those placement results by visiting: OneApp is the centralized school enrollment application process...
Survey sought feedback from the public on how COVID-19 has affected public education in Orleans Parish, concerns for health and safety top respondents priorities for next school year NEW ORLEANS – (June 19, 2020) – As NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) prepares for the 2020-2021 school year, it encouraged the community to participate in a Public Education Survey to gain insights on how COVID-19 has affected public education, as...
NEW ORLEANS – (March 15, 2020) – NOLA-PS, in collaboration with charter school leaders and the Mayor’s agencies, is coordinating a multi-pronged effort to ensure child nutrition services are available to families during the prolonged school closure. Though some school sites are starting food nutrition service on Monday, March 16th, the...
2,500 meals served to NOLA public school students at food nutrition sites across city; OneApp results expected to be released this monthNEW ORLEANS – (March 16, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools have been ordered to close and will not resume in-class...
Forty-three Community Feeding Distribution sites opening across District Updates on LEAP testing, Student Performances Scores NEW ORLEANS – (March 17, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools have been ordered to close and will not resume in-class operations until April 13th. This necessary action...
NEW ORLEANS – (March 19, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools have been ordered to close and will not resume in-class operations until April 13th. This necessary action is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19 across our city and...
NEW ORLEANS – (March 20, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools have been ordered to close and will not resume in-class operations until April 13th. This necessary action is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19 across our city and...
NEW ORLEANS – (March 23, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools have been ordered to close and will not resume in-class operations until April 13th. This necessary action is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19 across our city and...
10,000 Laptops Purchased for Students in District; Condensed Child Nutrition Pick-up ScheduleNEW ORLEANS – (March 24, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools are currently closed and will not resume in-class operations until April 13. This necessary action is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19...
Deadline for Early Childhood Enrollment via OneApp Tomorrow, March 27NEW ORLEANS – (March 26, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools are currently closed and will not resume in-class operations until April 13. This necessary action is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19...
NOLA-PS Community Resource Center Webpage Provides Resources for Families; New Child Nutrition Pick-up Schedule Starts Today.NEW ORLEANS – (March 30, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools are currently closed and will not resume in-class operations until April 13. This necessary action is...
Click here to view full data sheet on OneApp Main Round resultsNEW ORLEANS – (March 31, 2020) – Today, NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) released K-12 OneApp placement results for the 2020-2021 school year. Families can log-in and review those placement results by visiting: Early Childhood results are expected in May....
NEW ORLEANS – (April 1, 2020) - Per the proclamation issued by Governor John Bel Edwards all NOLA public schools are currently closed and will not resume in-class operations until April 13. This necessary action is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19 across our city and state. The...
NEW ORLEANS – (April 2, 2020) – Per today’s announcement by Governor John Bel Edwards to extend the stay-at-home order through April 30th, all NOLA public schools will remain closed for the duration of the month of April. This necessary action is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19...